Announcing the 23/24 University Enterprise Fellows

By Michele Barbour, APVC – Enterprise and Innovation

It is with enormous pleasure that I announce the University Enterprise Fellows for 23/24!

Our four new Enterprise Fellows will be using their Fellowships to explore commercialisation of their research outputs and build new networks with industry and investors. You can read more about their work and their aspirations below.

The University Enterprise Fellowship scheme provide resource, support and, crucially, protected time, to selected academics for a broad scope of enterprise undertakings that could include a patent, a spinout, a partnership relationship, or a consultancy.

Dr Camilla Morelli

I am absolutely delighted to have been awarded a University Enterprise Fellowship. I will use this unique opportunity to develop an idea for a children’s animated TV series on climate hope, sustainable futures, and the relationships between people and the environment

I hope to gain an in-depth understanding of commercialisation in the animation industry, to expand my networks with creative practitioners in Bristol and internationally, and to seek possible investors to produce the series. I look forward to working with the Enterprise and Commercialisation Team, and feel truly excited to take my research towards new directions. `

Prof Charl FJ Faul

I am delighted to be given this opportunity, through the University Enterprise Fellowship scheme, to explore commercialisation of our antibacterial materials from my laboratories.

I am aiming to use the time and released resources to have a much better understanding of the next steps in this commercialisation journey, whilst engaging with appropriate industry partners.

Dr Frances Giampapa

I am delighted to be awarded the University Enterprise Fellowship in support of the Researchful Practice Toolkit – an online self-study tool to support early years educators to access and evaluate research leading to the development and execution of their own setting focused research.

Being the first fellow in the former Faculty of Social Sciences and Law is a great honour and for this year I am keen to continue my commercialisation journey through networking opportunities to understand the market value of the toolkit and user testing the toolkit with a wider audience within the early years education sector across the UK.

Dr Paul Clarke

I’ve been developing Future Places Toolkit, an Augmented Reality (AR) tool for use in planning consultation, which I think has both civic purpose and commercial potential. The UEF will give me the time to take FPT from a prototype to being a creative consultation service marketable to councils, architects and developers. I’ll be able to test it with communities in different contexts, aiming to engage a wider range of people in more meaningful consultation about the future of their places. Plus, with support from Bristol’s commercialisation team and in partnership with AR/VR Studio Zubr and my theatre company Uninvited Guests, I’ll explore setting up a spin-out company to deliver Future Places Toolkit. Our hope is that this will make consultation more engaging and meaningful for local people, lead to communities buying into plans that are better aligned to their needs, and to smoother planning processes for architects and developers.